During the time of the untamed west there was a tribe of Choctaw Native Americans that lived in the Oklahoma and Arkansas area.  Over a stretch of time the tribe had an issue with some bandits that would come at night stealing food and livestock. The situation became more serious when woman and children began to disappear.


This prompted the tribe to bring together their finest warriors to stop whatever evils had happened upon their tribe.  Led by Part French Part Choctaw Joshua LeFlore and the Tubbee family went deep into the wild to track down the bandits.  The Tubbee family also went by the nickname Lighthorsemen who stood near 7 feet.


As the warriors traveled they soon found themselves face to face with hairy beast that stood even taller than the Tubbee’s.  What LeFlore had stumbled upon was the might Bigfoot. Did the battle end with the warriors on top? Did the discover a world of technologically advanced Bigfoot?  Was it just a big misunderstanding?


Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 241 Great Bigfoot War of 1855.

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About Language of Bromance


Together Richard and Shawn formed the podcast The Language of Bromance and from there it has been nothing but fun. The duo laugh about things they go through, stories in the news and even getting serious discussing net neutrality along with other issues. Every so often their friendship turns to a bitter rivalry with their nerdiest creation the draft episodes. An original take on a best of or a top 10 list. The draft episodes are done like an NFL Draft 7 rounds where Richard and Shawn flip-flop picks on various topics.

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