This is one of the most special episodes in Language of Bromance History.  The Language of Bromance Podcast has given Richard and Shawn so many things.  Not only has it helped their friendship grow stronger but it’s given them both a creative outlet that has spread like wildfire.  


Back in the early days of Language of Bromance Richard and Shawn recorded Episode 02 Hey Zombie Bear.  This episode inspired Shawn to write his first ever script.  After sitting on it for a few years the duo felt it was time to share with the world.  Being inspired by Kevin Smith’s reading of Hit Somebody and Will Wilkins putting together an amazing sound effects.  Shawn sat down to read Zombie Bears and put together background audio to give it that pleasurable sound.


So sit back and take in this exciting Midnight B movie inspired Audio Script Reading.  You’ll travel to a Colorado with Gary, Sara, Mark, and Marcy.  Not only to you get to fall in love with Human characters but you’ll meet Rose the amazing Lab.


Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 187 Zombie Bears The Audio Book.

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About Language of Bromance


Together Richard and Shawn formed the podcast The Language of Bromance and from there it has been nothing but fun. The duo laugh about things they go through, stories in the news and even getting serious discussing net neutrality along with other issues. Every so often their friendship turns to a bitter rivalry with their nerdiest creation the draft episodes. An original take on a best of or a top 10 list. The draft episodes are done like an NFL Draft 7 rounds where Richard and Shawn flip-flop picks on various topics.

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