It’s the wonderful Halloween season and why not celebrate with the Language of Bromance in this years Brolloween.  This is the episode where Richard and Shawn find the scariest stories they can on the internet and scare the socks off each other.


Richard takes us on a trip to Hollywood for a couple of creepy stories.  Have you heard about the curse of the Omen or what about the Exorcists.  Then Richard get’s us all hot and bothered by a Ghost that smothers people with her breast..That Are on her back.


Shawn takes us down the path to become Vampire Hunters which takes us to a playground.  Then listen to some of the scariest myths in Central America.


Make sure to tune in to the end of the Episode as Richard and Shawn star in a piece of the Podbros Twisted Con Of Terror.  Richard and Shawn join the crew from Podbros at a convention when things start to get a little crazy.


Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 175 Brolloween 2017.


Listen to all the other chapters in the Podbros Twisted Con Of Terror.

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About Language of Bromance


Together Richard and Shawn formed the podcast The Language of Bromance and from there it has been nothing but fun. The duo laugh about things they go through, stories in the news and even getting serious discussing net neutrality along with other issues. Every so often their friendship turns to a bitter rivalry with their nerdiest creation the draft episodes. An original take on a best of or a top 10 list. The draft episodes are done like an NFL Draft 7 rounds where Richard and Shawn flip-flop picks on various topics.

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