Previous Episode: 114 The Cucumber King

If we’ve learned anything from the Movie Revenge of the Nerds it’s Panty raids are the best.  What could top a normal College panty raid?  What about raiding the Queens Panties?


Back in 1800’s a boy named Jones did just that.  The Boy Jones as he was revered to went and tried to discover Queen Victoria’s Secret.  On his first trip he took the Queen’s Panties and a sword.  Since he was a boy he was let off with a warning.


The problem with a Panty obsession is it can make a man blind to the laws.  The Boy Jones made numerous attempts to break into Buckingham Palace to steal more panties.  Even being shipped off to the Navy couldn’t keep him from attempting to break in.


Richard and Shawn discuss what the equivalent would be today if someone tried to steal Salma Hayek panties.  What would life after being labeled the Salma Hayek Pantie Robber do for a person.

Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 115 Protect The Bloomers.


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About Language of Bromance


Together Richard and Shawn formed the podcast The Language of Bromance and from there it has been nothing but fun. The duo laugh about things they go through, stories in the news and even getting serious discussing net neutrality along with other issues. Every so often their friendship turns to a bitter rivalry with their nerdiest creation the draft episodes. An original take on a best of or a top 10 list. The draft episodes are done like an NFL Draft 7 rounds where Richard and Shawn flip-flop picks on various topics.

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