Beyond Words
"Not being able to speak is not the same as having nothing to say" Dana Hall (Beyond Words)

Beyond Words written by Dana Hall and illustrated by Shruti Prabhu is a beautifully illustrated story that will take the reader on a journey that emphasizes the power of friendship, connection and imagination.  How do we get to know someone when they don't have verbal speech or limited verbal speech? This beautiful book about apraxia of speech can teach both children and adults that we can go "beyond words" to connect with children with complex communication needs.

I loved this book for so many reasons. As a speech language pathologist that works with children that have complex communication needs, I felt very connected with the story. My students have so much to communicate and it can be expressed in so many ways. The term "total communication" is what I refer to when we use all modalities to communicate (body language, facial expression, sign language, gestures, AAC device, etc.) For any parent that has a child diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech, this book can be a powerful tool for both the home and school environment.

To read more and learn about Dana Hall and her valuable resources, click here.