This podcast is upfront and honest about the ways we all can be UNITED in the management of the wild turkey and its resources. For years now researchers like Dr. Mike Chamberlain and his colleagues have been doing their best to pinpoint reasons for the decline many folks have been seeing of the wild turkey. We know more now than we did 5 years ago, so we are we still seeing declines, why aren't we collaboratively joining in the fight and making the necessary changes. 

There are a lot of factors that are contributing to the wild turkey decline, which means that are many different ways we can all contribute, so in this podcast, we break down the role that State Game agencies play, public land managers, hunters or conservationists, and landowners. Most everybody will fall into one of these categories and we clearly define what each group can do. With a united front and action taken, we can reverse the direction of the wild turkey. 

We hope you enjoy the podcast, please share with those who are ready to take action!