Grab your pens and paper, because you are getting ready to learn on this podcast with Dr. Marcus Lashley. We take a deep dive into the production, selection preferences of red versus white oaks, and forage habitats of whitetail deer regarding mast production. Just like most things in life, once you learn a little, you are left with more questions versus answers. 

For years hunters have placed more significance on the white oak acorn over the red acorn. This isn't often debated, more accepted, however, that is nonsense. There is more to learn about these little nuggets of fat than we thought. Acorn viability is there determining factor in the timing of foraging. What about fall burning, how does that impact selection of mast species? Well, we discuss this as well during the podcast. 

Come to this podcast with an open mind! The foraging behavior of whitetail deer is just incredible, so land managers and deer hunters need to pay attention and learn how to make the most of this quality information. 


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