Would a fixed blade broadhead perform better on a shoulder impact than a expandable? We learn from an experienced blood trailing what his experiences have shown. Hindsight is 20/20 when it comes to taking the shot on a whitetail deer. We sometimes realize we should have waited or you should have taken the shot at a different range. We can learn a lot of lessons from our mistakes on shot placement. This week we sit down and talk with Kasey Morgan of Drury Outdoors who owned a blood tracking company for almost a decade operating out of Wisconsin and Ohio. During those years he learned a lot of things with shot placement on deer.

You ask a hunter the question fixed blade or expandable, you'll get the same debate as Ford or Chevy. If we're honest with ourselves we know one performs better than another depending on the shot placement. We should all look for the perfect shot and make a quick ethical kill, but mistakes happen. Kasey discusses what angles he would avoid and what areas of the deer to avoid hitting. We also discuss why it's necessary to give a deer plenty of time before following the bloodtrail.