Here it is! Finally the wait is over, after a few years of development, Hunter Pruitt the founder of the National Wildlife Cooperative is ready to release his baby. We are thrilled to be a part of the launch of this project. If you are a landowner or lease ground, turn your ears all the way up, this podcast and organization is for you. 

Research strongly supports the need for landowners joining forces to work side by side improving the habitat for a wide array of wildlife species. We are not talking about improving properties, we are talking about improving regions! This is an organization for the benefit of the landowner and wildlife, not itself. This grassroots organization puts the value back on the land and landowner, with a focus not just on one animal, but land and wildlife itself, so we can get on board with that!

Have you considered starting a wildlife cooperative in your area? Do you know where to begin? Please take time and visit the National Wildlife Cooperative website. Read the information provided and take action, open dialogue with your neighbors and start improving regions! Look beyond your property, don't just stop there. #ForLoveoftheLand 


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