With each passing week, the rut closes in. We've been studying hard the daily updates from the Cuddelink System. We aren't just looking for where deer are located, but more importantly, what are they doing. Behavior and wind are two of the biggest predictors of stand selection for us at this time of the year. We closely monitor the intensity of movement by the trail camera images as well as our in the field observations. 

At this point of the season, we have located two main pockets of antlerless deer, these does are still very grouped up and devouring a destination food resource. So at this point, the preliminary chasing has begun, but the full chase and seeking phase is quickly approaching. As this timeframe closes in, we are expecting more time in the stand in hopes of encountering one of our top deer.  

We encourage you to monitor the deer and their behavior on the places you hunt closely as well. Don't let the good information be missed. Use this to your advantage as you choose stands to hunt or begin to get aggressive in your hunting locations. Make those calculated decisions by monitoring the rut accurately.  


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