Learning from someone else's mistakes and also their best practices is a lot easier than trying to learn from your own mistakes. Land & Legacy Client Eric Pitcock bought his farm in 2016 and began the process of land management. In the beginning he started with planting food plots, fruit trees, and switchgrass. Results were limited and it was until the year 2020 when the fruit trees produced the first fruit. Over the years he's modified his management style to focus more on long term effects that can also have immediate results, such as timber stand improvements and invasive species control. 

Have you ever heard of switchgrass plantings that result in a barrier deer won't utilize? This is a problem that Eric experienced after planting several acres in his old fields, fortunately enough he used a quick treatment of herbicide to knock the grass back and nature took over with head high natives that provided food and cover for many wildlife species! Nature loves diversity, and with Eric now managing for increased diversity and all wildlife he's seeing some of the quickest returns he's had since owning the farm. 

With all this work done, it's no surprise it didn't take him very long to find a mature buck to hunt. In fact, it was his first hunt of the season. Tune in to this podcast to hear how it all unfolded! #Forloveoftheland 


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