There are many of us out there listening who have dads or granddads in our lives who were instrumental in taking us outdoors for the very first time. Without the many Dad's of the world, traditions and hunting heritage would be lost. Without the passing of the torch and integration of values learned from outdoors activities passed on to the next generation, our lives would be drastically different.

For us, activities outdoors started at a very young age. Some of the earliest childhood memories were spent cutting firewood. Lessons like hard work, taking care of less fortunate people, and general woodsmanship skills came from a simple activity Dad involved us in. Cattle farming and hay cutting are very similar! Generations shared the same hay field working together to accomplish a similar goal. All of these tasks involved land and the outdoors that have profound impacts on Land & Legacy as a company. We know the importance of strong family ties and the value land can bring to raising up children.

We hope this is a reminder to you to thank those folks who first introduced you to the outdoors. Take time to share with you the valuable impact it had on your life. Special thanks to Wayne Dye and Fred Keith for there respective support and impact on our lives. Enjoy.Learn.Share! #ForLoveoftheLand