Hello Lamer Gamers! This is simplyTravis and Rowdy5000 for the Lamer Gamers Podcast! And recently we’ve had another round of apocalyptic adventures since our last episode. Recently Rowdy has been battling The King of Slimes from the TPC plant when he unfortunately had to hit the FLEE button because the King of Slimes gained too much XP and began casting toxic cloud and magic missile!

Today we’re going to talk about waaaay too much news! We’ll first talk about all the games we’ve been playing recently then dive into the ridiculous amount of news that we have feasted on this Holiday Season such as what happened at the Game Awards. Xbox Series X news bonanza, Sony’s State of Play, Nintendo’s Indie World Showcase and more! Then we’ll hop over to our rumors section Fake News to discuss rumors ranging from Metroid games (plural), Pokemon news that well..is fake news, and some interesting rumors walking up to the plate for Sony. Now that we have the show loaded up in our podcasting cannons let’s go!