Next Episode: Lamer Direct

Hello Lamer Gamers this is simplyTravis. I’m just dropping in to let you know that we are not posting a full podcast this week for 2 main reasons. The first reason is that Rowdy5000 is currently on the front lines of the war against the gobbles (which if you listen regularly to our show…is our code name for the current sickness that is ravaging our land and is currently spiking in Texas that for some reason the worlds largest search engine doesn’t like us to talk about…sigh…but anyways) Rowdy5000 is currently taking very lengthy, uncomfortable q-tips and gently caressing the back of sickly folks brains through their nose and testing them for the gobbles. Or the back of their throats….it just feels like it’s gonna reach your brain. Anyway…so he’s way too busy to record and edit a show this week after working about 70 hours. The second reason is that we normally record on Friday or Saturday but it is 4th of July weekend out here in Texas so there has been a non-stop cavalcade of concussive bursts echoing through the swamps and freaking out my dogs. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t barked yet. 

So we will be back next week with our main quest style show. If you are looking for the News Round Up unfortunately that isn’t happening today but we have changed our main quest format to hit the news and rumors first so you can go back and listen to the first part of the last 3 or 4 episodes and get caught up. We will do our best to have it back for next month. Unfortunately with all the summer gaming news and 2 brand new consoles coming out soon there is really too much news to do sidequest shows lately. 

Now before I let y’all get back to work or back from lunch or maybe even you are about to have another round with Ganon…June was our biggest month since the Google search engine algorithm change. I want to send an extra special thank you to everyone that has listened to us and subscribed. We’ve managed to grow the show without help from search engines for over a year. Without everyone sharing the show we probably …well…ok…we’d probably still because Rowdy and I really…REAALLLY like talking about video games but all of you Lamers make it way more fun… Alright folks that’s going to be it for me. If you are out here in the States I hope you had a Happy Independence Day weekend and to everyone in the world thank you once again for listening to the Official Podcast for the Lamers and Working Class Gamers here at the Lamer Gamers Podcast!