LaMar Boschman discusses with Batsirai Chada the leadership role that Lucifer had in heaven. They look at the Lucifer's appointment to be a covering cherub over the throne of God. What role did Lucifer's music making have in the Kingdom of Heaven? Why was Lucifer called the anointed cherub? What does Lucifer's role say to to us today?

This topic is from an online course called The Music of God.

LaMar' numerous books on the subject are available at


Lucifer covered the throne of God and was called the covering cherub.Cherubs are connected with God's manifest presence.Lucifer was called the anointed cherub and appointed to the ministry of worship.This anointed and covering cherub covered the throne with musicLucifer as a guardian cherub guarded the throne and the presence of God as a doorman.Lucifer was appointed to his position. God said I established you and appointed you.This master musician's position and placement challenges us to keep our heart's pure.

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