Series Description: 

When you hear the word “evangelism,” many people think of long sermons, structured programs, or uncomfortable activities like knocking on a stranger’s door. But what if sharing our faith looked a little more like improv? When you compare this unique brand of comedy and the way Jesus and others went about sharing the Gospel, the have more in common than you might think!


Sermon Description:

John 4:1-29

The first rule of improv is to say “yes.” Yes shows respect for what your scene partner is offering, and yes keeps the scene moving. And as we will see in a conversation between Jesus and a controversial “scene partner”, saying yes in the right way can open others up to hearing what you have to offer.

NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the first few moments of the sermon were not recorded. The recording picks up in the middle of Dan recapping last week's sermon, which you can find and listen to in our podcast feed.