Article Link: Seek a Broken Heart for Sin, by Scott Hubbard (from “The triumphant, victorious Christian life is marked by a curious feature: it rarely feels triumphant or victorious. “In the kingdom of God, strength comes through weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9–10), greatness through service (Mark 10:43), and wholeness through brokenness (Psalm 147:3).” Read more…

Article Link: Seek a Broken Heart for Sin, by Scott Hubbard (from

“The triumphant, victorious Christian life is marked by a curious feature: it rarely feels triumphant or victorious.

“In the kingdom of God, strength comes through weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9–10), greatness through service (Mark 10:43), and wholeness through brokenness (Psalm 147:3).”

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