Article link: Have You Been Isolated From the Herd?, by Matt Smith (from the Gospel Coalition Australia website) “Of all the things that COVID has exposed, the one I find most disturbing is our lacklustre attitude to church. “Over on the west coast, churches have been meeting physically for about six weeks. And for all the joy of seeing familiar faces again, the real tragedy is the faces we aren’t seeing. Some people haven’t come back. They’ve been isolated from the herd. And this poses a threat more deadly than any coronavirus.” Read more…

Article link: Have You Been Isolated From the Herd?, by Matt Smith (from the Gospel Coalition Australia website)

“Of all the things that COVID has exposed, the one I find most disturbing is our lacklustre attitude to church.

“Over on the west coast, churches have been meeting physically for about six weeks. And for all the joy of seeing familiar faces again, the real tragedy is the faces we aren’t seeing. Some people haven’t come back. They’ve been isolated from the herd. And this poses a threat more deadly than any coronavirus.”

Read more…