Jeff Brincat from Parents Care of Lake Forest Lake Bluff joins Pete Jansons on the Lake Forest Podcast School Edition to chat about the latest news going on with the Districts 65 67 and 115 Schools

Key Moments:
0:001:13 Show Start
1:31 Superintendent Matt Montgomery Exhibit B Pay Metrics
2:54 Matt Montgomery pay increasing by 39%
3:24 Matt Montgomery email defending his 39% raise
3:45 67 115 School Board Failed us
4:22 Communications Melissa Oakley Head of 115 Propaganda
4:51 Erin Lenart Lake Forest High School Principal hit bonus
5:17 39% Raises with new contract
5:29 The way Pete Jansons sees it
6:44 Parents Care Lake Forest Lake Bluff has 14,000 followers and climbing
7:00 We were led to believe there was no fluff in the budget
8:00 We were screwed
10:45 Propaganda
11:30 California and Florida spend less on School Administration than Illinois
12:06 Pete was screwed
12:18 Exhibit B Metrics for Superintendent Matt Montgomery
13:40 What does success look like?
15:47 Montgomery contract has a 6 month out?
16:46 People don't care about a $1000 bucks?
17:00 Bus kids in from North Chicago
17:38 Barrier to Diversity
18:05 Lake Forest High School Under Utilized
20:22 Mixture of a bunch of things
22:50 Everybody does better with supervision
26:30 Jeff Brincat magic wand to correct things
28:18 Dr Randy Tack Influence
30:29 Fool Pete Jansons once
31:00 90% of Survey says yes that Matt Montgomery should be paid on objectives
34:00 Transparency If Matt Montgomery would have been honest before the referendum it would not have passed


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