A community-focused Blizzard & World of Warcraft Podcast. For the people. By some people. Episode 8 of the Lagging Balls podcast, hosted by Thorn & Thyst: "Drunken Jones!"

Feedback, comments, & content submissions: [email protected]

On this episode we cover:
Terrible Transmog Tuesday featuring #TerribleTransmogTuesday
How to Tanaan Jungle featuring Garnsh
Warcraft Movie featuring Drunken Jones
Hotfixes featuring Dude with the Weekend Quests
Gamescom featuring #Hashtag
Black Market Auction House Poll featuring Things You Can’t Afford
Bonus Events featuring WotLK Timewalking Dungeons (!!)
Heroes NA July Open featuring Two Happy Teams and a Sad One

Full show notes including all links available here: http://bit.ly/1dV066D