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We’re offering cool rewards we’re offering at every tier, the most exciting of which is our Patrons-only podcast, LOTF After Dark which is accessible to every single patron. And when we hit our first 20 patrons, we’ll be doing a patrons-only giveaway! 

Show Notes

For our fifth tropisode, we're talking WITCHES with Angela Slatter.

She is the author of the supernatural crime novels Vigil (2016), Corpselight (2017) and Restoration(2018) (from Jo Fletcher Books), as well as eight short story collections, including The Girl with No Hands and Other Tales, Sourdough and Other Stories, The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings, and A Feast of Sorrows: Stories. Vigil was nominated for the Dublin Literary Award in 2018.

She has recently signed a two-book deal with Titan Books for Blackwater and Morwood, gothic fantasies set in the world of the Sourdough and Bitterwood collections − both of which involve witches. Lots of witches. She is the author of the novellas, Of Sorrow and Such (Tor.com) and Ripper (in Horrorology: The Lexicon of Fear) − again, more witches.

She has won a World Fantasy Award, a British Fantasy Award, a Ditmar, an Australian Shadows Award and six Aurealis Awards. And has a lifelong interest in, you guessed it, witches.

Witches Group Read

"These Deathless Bones" by Cassandra Khaw

Witches Book Recommendations

Fiction Emma Donoghue’s Kissing the Witch Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber Anne Rice’s The Witching Hour Tanith Lee’s The Blood of Roses and The Flat Earth Series Lisa L. Hannett’s Bluegrass Symphony Naomi Novik’s Uprooted https://bookriot.com/2017/04/18/100-must-read-books-witches/ Non-fiction: Marina Warner’s From the Beast to the Blonde Stacy Schiff’s The Witches: Salem 1692 Elizabeth Lynn Linton’s Witch Stories (you can get this on Project Gutenberg)

Authors to look out for: Angie Rega Suzanne J. Willis Shauna O’Meara Leife Shallcross Kirstyn McDermott – argh! How could I forget this one? https://www.tor.com/2018/09/05/triquetra-kirstyn-mcdermott/ Nin Harris Silvia Morena-Garcia Tonya Liburd Maria Lewis Vida Cruz Theodora Goss Maria Haskins Gwendolyn Kiste Karen Runge

Find Angela: Website | Twitter | Instagram

Photo by Kayla Maurais on Unsplash

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