IS HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF? Currently, only one president has served a discontinuous term. That man was President Grover Cleveland. The first term was from 1885 to 1889. He lost reelection. Then four years later he ran and won, serving his final term from 1893 to 1897. Although President Cleveland is the only one to do this, he may soon have to share the title with President Trump.

If you’re like me you’re probably saying, well, how did this happen? Are Trump and Cleveland scenarios similar? Could this more than century old hiccup in presidential elections happen once again?

Glad you asked. If you look at the similarities - not just in the campaign, economy, and electorate - but also the man himself, you’ll be asking is this Deja Vu?

In less than 10 minutes, I’m going to compare Trump and Cleveland’s campaign…making the case that if history really does repeat itself, Trump just might be president again.


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