Tired of the uniparty in American government? Do you wish we had a better way to think about policy than labels like Democrat and Republican? Why should we have a negative income tax? Then listen to my interview with Lloyd Sloan and Andrew Cottingham, cofounders of The Center for Upper Left Policy. They've established a new political map that consists of only two questions. The call this the Equality-Freedom Model (EF). Depending on your answer you'll be placed in one of four quadrants: Upper Left, Upper Right, Lower Right, Lower Left. They believe this new way of thinking about politics will help shrink government, unite Americans, eliminate the uniparty that's destroying the United States. Andrew and Lloyd advocate for policies that address concerns in the upper left quadrant -which means shrinking government and fixing wealth inequality. Take the test and then let me know in the comments where you fit on the model!

The EF Model Questions:

Is wealth too unequal? Yes or NoIs government too big? Yes or No

Where you rank:

Upper-Left: Yes/Yes

Upper-Right: No/Yes

Lower-Left: Yes/No

Lower-Right: No/No

Follow Andrew Cottingham on Twitter @cottingham4ind https://x.com/Cottingham4Ind

Keep up with Lloyd Sloan on his website: http://lloydsloan.com/

Follow The Upper Left Movement in America on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1143989963300259

