Today, we appreciate the hell out of Paul Rudd in The 40 Year-Old Virgin (2005) with Erin Gambrill of the Ladies Who Library podcast. The 40 Year-Old Virgin is a sex-positive parallel to The Oh in Ohio, and we all loved it despite a very questionable turn towards the end. This whole film is about why all […]

Today, we appreciate the hell out of Paul Rudd in The 40 Year-Old Virgin (2005) with Erin Gambrill of the Ladies Who Library podcast. The 40 Year-Old Virgin is a sex-positive parallel to The Oh in Ohio, and we all loved it despite a very questionable turn towards the end. This whole film is about why all guys should be like Andy Stitzer and why everyone should be smitten with Catherine Keener. Paul Rudd is back to peak Paul Rudd-cuteness, even with a questionable haircut and his character turning into a jerk halfway through the movie. PLUS we learn about Larissa’s goal to be sexual and vaguely threatening — just like Jane Lynch.

Of note:

+ Women’s breasts do kind of feel like they’re filled with sand.

+ Erin’s Michael McDonald impression is a thing of beauty.

+ Larissa is a terrible person who will make you listen to the same album over and over, but still hasn’t seen Grease 2.

Check out Erin’s podcast, Ladies Who Library

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