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Today’s guest is my kind of lady! She is a former corporate HR leader and recovering type-A perfectionist. She is fast-paced, ambitious, and highly focused on her goals but she has learned a better way to do all of that, with grace, so she won’t experience burnout or complete exhaustion. Now she helps her clients do the same through her coaching practice, appropriately called Ideally You with Allyson Greek.

I can’t wait to hear all about her business, her life, and her practices that can help so many of us women in the service industry.

I am so excited about this conversation because when we met, it was at a networking mixer. We were going around the room, introducing ourselves and you said you helped people just deal with their shit, or something to that effect and I was like… Ohh I like her already! Of course, as a septic professional, my introduction always has the word shit it in it, so she helped spice up the room. The more we chatted, the more we had in common and here we are today in this totally open, candid conversation!

Today we discuss a variety of things as we have pursued the journey of entrepreneurship.

We talk about big ambitions, juggling all the things and remaining as sane as possible, and what high-achieving women struggle with We discuss how there isn’t just a “one size fits all” or “box” way of doing life or business and how we enjoy not being “normal” We discuss the idea of high achieving women where we believe that “ if we aren’t busy, then we are lazy” and how we can better come to terms that that thought is insane! We talk about staying busy just to stay out of our heads and how dangerous that can be as that is the sure path to burnout. We discuss the power of journaling and what it has personally and professionally done for us. (of course, we talk about that ever-looming to-do list!) We talk productivity hacks and what is currently working for us to get all the shit done! We talk about discovering our limitations and how to ask for help. We talk about friendship evolution and how it’s not only ok, but it’s necessary for YOUR evolution! We discuss learning how to ask for what you want and for what you need with zero guilt.

Allyson is truly that personal and business friend I have longed to meet since I’ve lived in Arizona and I can’t wait for you to experience our magical conversation!

Wanna connect with Allyson Greek? You totally should, and here’s how!

Instagram: @allysongreek

Ideally You Website:

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