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Time-Saving Hacks - Reclaim Your 24 hours!

We all get the same 24 hours a day, that’s 1440 minutes -  yep even those uber-successful people that you look up to, the SAME 24 hours and the same 1440 minutes! HOW we spend those hours and minutes is important to get to those big goals we’ve just set for ourselves here in 2023.

I have a challenge for this week and I have 5 time-saving hacks that I know you are going to love! So c’mon! Let’s reclaim your 24 hours and 1440 minutes.

Time Hacks - what the hell is a time hack…. Well, it’s a not-so-genius idea of how to better spend your time! I say not so genius because well, it really doesn’t take a genius to get the most out of your day. It takes focus, dedication, PREPARATION, and some determination. Will you get this all right and 100% right away - no way! But as with anything, practice gets us progress and progress gets us to those big fun places we are dreaming of being.

I’ve prepared a shorter episode for you today with 5 awesome time hacks that I am incorporating into my own life right now - that actually do work for me as a business entrepreneur, wife, and mom. I hope they will help you too! Let’s dive in!

Tinier Time blocking - If you have listened to most of my podcasts you know that I talk about time-blocking A LOT! It is essential for me to make the proper time to get all of the things done that I need to within the day. I’m challenging myself right now to make that time blocks half the size that they are. 

PREPARE your ass off! - It means just what I said, preparing for ANYTHING makes things so much easier and we are told that all of the time time, but when in the hell do you have time to prepare? I don’t time block that and you probably don’t either. That stops now and it is added to the calendar. I will spend 30 minutes, after dinner, preparing for the next morning.

Automate Anything and Everything (mostly) - there are so many different ways that you can automate the bazillion tasks that you take on every day as a working mom. Automation means that you set it up and it does the task repeatedly without you having to touch it. 

Set digital limits  (on your time sucks) - we all have them, but we often hate to admit them. I mean you love them that’s why you let them suck your time. If you don’t know what your time sucks, ask your husband or your kids… they can tell, because they see you spend your time there. For many of us, it’s social media. Whether that is scrolling Instagram, or Pinterest (guilty), numbing your mind with countless video scrolls on TikTok, or binging on Netflix, YouTube, or video games - we all have a place that takes valuable time away from the things we truly want to work for and truly love, like your friend family or yourself lady!

NO is a complete sentence - start using it NOW! If you are a recovering people pleaser and die hard servant leader, this one is a tough one but wholly necessary for you to reclaim your time.

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