In excerpts from panels at The World Transformed and the Ella Baker School of Transformative organising, we bring you Colin Waugh talking about the history of Ruskin College and the Plebs' League; Ian Manborde talking about contemporary trade union education; and a bit from Daniel on education programmes in the the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) in the early 20th century, mainly cribbed from Daniel Katz's 2011 book 'All Together Different'. There's also a brief appearance from Rida Vaquas of Clarion magazine.

Liam McNulty also makes a rare appearance on the other side of his desk to make a very insightful comment about Daniel De Leon (who we're all quite big fans of), so watch out for that.

Background reading for this episode is Colin Waugh's pamphlet on the Plebs' League, which is online here: