In this episode, we take a deep dive into questions of class composition and labour movement strategy via an interview with Kim Moody.

Kim is a labour movement writer and activist, who co-founded Labor Notes in the USA ( His new book, ‘On New Terrain: How Capital is Reshaping the Battleground of Class War’ is published by Haymarket, and is available to buy here:

We begin the episode with a rattle through some recent labour movement news, including:
“An Open Letter to Fellow Aslef Drivers”, looking at questions of industrial unionism and class solidarity in railway workers’ strikes against the imposition of “Driver Only Operation”:
The latest with the Picturehouse Cinema workers’ strikes. Donate to the strike fund here:
The upcoming University and College Union pension strikes (, and a recent local success for the UCU at the University of Manchester:
More inspiring struggles from migrant-led unions like IWGB ( and UVW (
Potential disputes over public sector pay from unions like the PCS ( and Unison (
A win for local unions and community campaigns against gentrification in Haringey:
A strike at the Camell-Laird shipyard:
Quite a bit to take in there, admittedly, but in our defence it’s been two months since our last episode.

Drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter to let us know about any ongoing disputes you’re involved in, either directly or in a supportive capacity.

Check previous episode descriptions for copyright info.