Steel Workers union president Tom Conway on president Biden’s American Jobs Plan and the need to invest in the nation’s infrastructure…UNITE HERE Local 11 organizer and co-president Susan Minato talks about growing up as the daughter of working-class Japanese parents, and how the lessons her mother taught her helped shape UNITE HERE's training model…Professor Mel Simms from Glasgow University discusses the scarring effect of a recession on the career trajectories of young people and some possible solutions…Registered Nurse Leslie Egan describes nursing in Albany during the pandemic…We explore the problems of rampant wage theft and poor enforcement by the Department of Labor, with Center for Public Integrity Senior Reporter Alexia Fernandez Campbell and Terri Gerstein, a Senior Fellow at the Economic Policy Institute and Director of the State and Local Enforcement Project at the Harvard Law School Labor and Worklife Program.
Then, three union veterans discuss the connection between the military and the class system…and we wrap up with filmmaker Mark Street and longshoreman Maureen Gutierrez on Mark’s new film Work Songs.
PLUS: The Winnipeg General Strike Begins, on Labor History in 2:00.

We’ve got reports from Solidarity Works; Welcome to Uniontown; UnionDues; Union Strong; Monday Morning QB; Working People; The Docker Podcast; Labor History in 2:00 

Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.

#LaborRadioPod @AFLCIO @steelworkers @LALabor @duesunion @nysaflcio @WPFWMMQB @WorkingPod @dockerpodcast @ILLaborHistory

Edited by Patrick Dixon and Chris Bangert-Drowns; produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru: Harold Phillips

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