The United Steelworkers has scheduled a vote for this coming Monday, February 21, on ExxonMobil’s latest ultimatum to locked out workers at its oil refinery and processing plant in Beaumont, Texas. On today’s show, we dip into the archives of the Workers Beat podcast for a report on this lockout, which started on May 1st, 2021. Then, from the 141 Report, an update on the new contract at Hawaiian Airlines. Aung Kyaw, co-founder of Thailand’s Migrant Worker Rights Network, is featured on the latest Labor Link podcast from Empathy Media Lab, and, from the On Writing podcast, a producer, correspondent, and two writers talk about what their typical day looks like working on the set of the Daily Show. And in our final segment, Misti Rainwater-Lites talks about being an online tarot card reader, on the Blue Collar Gospel Hour.
Bonus track: Labor History in 2:00 for February 18: The Royal Indian Navy Revolt

Highlights from labor radio and podcast shows around the country, part of the national Labor Radio Podcast Network of shows focusing on working people’s issues and concerns.

#LaborRadioPod @AFLCIO @checkoutradio @WorkStoppagePod @DCLabor @KNON893FM @IAMDistrict141 @empathymedialab @WGAEast @TheBlueCollarG1 @ILLaborHistory

Edited by Patrick Dixon, Mel Smith and Chris Garlock; produced by Chris Garlock; social media guru Mr. Harold Phillips.