
0:00 Intro

01:15 What has your experience been seeing minorities in Biomedical leadership roles?

03:56 At what points so far have you really been most engaged with leadership training, so that you’re set up for great things in the future? What have you found that really engages/resonates with you?

08:07 Is there one or two insights for what is helpful to make it work, and is there a good first and second step for launching something similar (mentorship program) at their place? 

10:10 Is there something I should do automatically when I have a mentee come in who comes from an underrepresented minority or from a disadvantaged background? Do you recommend that being part of an initial conversation of, “Would you like me to identify a mentor for you?” from a diversity perspective?

12:27 What advice would you like to share with the underrepresented minority student trainee learners who are listening to this podcast? 

14:40 Outro