Episode Summary: In this episode of the L3 Leadership podcast, Doug Smith interviews Wayne Cordeiro, Founding Pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii with over 11,500 in weekend attendance. In the episode, Doug and Wayne discuss leading on empty and the effects of burnout.

About Wayne: Dr. Wayne Cordeiro is founding pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii, and through New Hope International, over 152 churches have been planted worldwide. He is an author, songwriter, and highly sought-after speaker. He has authored 14 books, including The Divine Mentor and Leading on Empty. Wayne and Anna, his wife of nearly fifty years, have three children and nine grandchildren. They live in Eugene, Oregon. Dr. Cordeiro serves as the president of New Hope Christian College, which specializes in developing leaders for creative arts, theology, and leadership. He has recently planted New Hope West, a Doing Church as a Team congregation.

5 Key Takeaways:
1.Wayne and Doug discuss the importance of focusing on discipleship in ministry leadership. Church planting and success in the ministry is a result of proper discipleship. Character-development is crucial.
2.Wayne talks about burnout and the telltale signs of depression in leadership. It’s not something that you can plan for. Burnout is restored by healing, adjustment, and rescheduling.
3.There’s a difference between tiredness and burnout. Tiredness is resolved by better sleeping habits, burnout is not.
4.Wayne discusses solitude’s importance to our mental and spiritual health. Solitude is not isolation. Isolation is getting away from people. Solitude on the other hand is a planned away time with God.
5.Suffering in leadership is actually okay. If you never suffer, you never grow and never learn. Typically our darkest moments in leadership are right before our brightest moments.

Quotes from the Episode:
"When you're going through burnout, a night or two of rest doesn't bounce you back."
"Even though it's a tough season, don't be afraid of it".
"Often, failure comes right before success."

Resources Mentioned:
Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro
The Divine Mentor by Wayne Cordeiro
Sifted by Wanye Cordeiro
New Hope Fellowship Church

Connect with Wayne:
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