Previous Episode: KZSC News ~ 28 May 2020
Next Episode: KZSC NEWS ~ 2020 06 04

KZSC joined the nationwide COMMUNITY RADIO BLACKOUT on June 2nd, 2020 — 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence — followed by 24/7/365  of programming calling for racial justice. George Floyd’s death is part of an appalling history of racist harassment, assault, and murder that stretches back far too long in the life of our nation. There are too many victims whose experiences never made headlines and whose names will never become public. KZSC and UC Santa Cruz work within the same context of white supremacist systems, structures, and conditions that make life more dangerous and precarious for people of color. We need to do all that we can to dismantle these injustices. KZSC, like our country, have taken too long to translate our ideals into action or sustainable change.  We must do better, in order to uphold the highest values that we pursue in our mission — to provide "access in a non-discriminatory, progressive fashion to those traditionally underrepresented in the media. This includes, but is not limited to, women, cultural, ethnic and racial minorities, people of various sexual orientations and gender expressions, seniors, youth, children and persons with disabilities."