Today we talk to Sophia Fisher, reporter with the Moab Times-Independent, about the BLM’s decision to keep off road vehicle trails closed in the Labyrinth Canyon area while litigation against the recent closures persists. We also talk about the upcoming departure of Moab City Manager, Carly Castle, as well as Sophia's upcoming resignation from the Times-Independent. We finish off discussing how the animal shelter in Moab is handling capacity issues, and we give a quick update about Seekhaven, a local nonprofit for domestic abuse victims, that just received a $2 million grant.

// Show Notes:

// Roads closed by Feds near Moab will stay closed – for now

// Castle resigns as city manager

// Sharing news of my own departure

// Like the rest of the nation, Moab’s shelters are packed

// Seekhaven receives $2 million award from yield giving organization