On the Weekly News Reel today, we talk to Doug McMurdo, editor of the Times-Independent, about Grand County’s response to a state investigation into whether transient room taxes were misallocated during an economic diversification program that was cut short in 2023. We’ll also talk about the county’s reaction to a new state law that could give developers of a controversial housing project on Kane Creek the power to create their own municipality and bypass Grand County zoning codes. Plus, we’ll talk about uranium mining in southeastern Utah as the industry picks up amid recent import bans and an increased demand for nuclear energy. And we finish off with a quick story about a father and two sons who were rescued by Moab locals last week after the family’s kayak flipped on the Colorado River.

- Show Notes -

• As Utah’s uranium booms again, miners and land will be protected this time, industry vows

• Commission responds to state auditor’s draft report that claims financial mismanagement of TRT

• What does SB258 do — and how did it slip by the commission?

• Dad and sons rescued on the river after kayak flips