The Times-Independent is used to recording history. But this summer, they made a little of their own. Moab’s longest running newspaper is now a nonprofit under the umbrella of The Salt Lake Tribune. The TI’s longtime publisher sees this move as an opportunity, one that will help sustain local journalism. Today on the news, we head to the presses and hear from staff about this transition. It's one that many news organizations across the country are considering as a way to survive in a changing media landscape.

// Photo: Zane Taylor, longtime publisher and press operator of The Times-Independent, checks the print quality on one of the newspaper’s latest editions. The local presses will go idle on Center Street after the full transition to Tribune ownership, but the local paper will live on. KZMU / Molly Marcello

Show Notes:

// The Salt Lake Tribune Nonprofit Playbook

// The Times-Independent: It has been my family’s honor to serve Moabites