Staying connected to friends and neighbors can be important for health, especially for people aging in our community. And creating connections is what the Grand Center is all about. Senior citizens from all over Grand and northern San Juan Counties come to eat lunch, plan activities and just plain hang out. Says senior Ethel Krist, “it’s important to be needed…that makes happiness, is to be needed.”

// Plus, the Weekly News Reel! Sophia Fisher of The Times-Independent discusses new research on mountain goats in the La Sal Mountains, the film commission deal falling through, flared tempers over water board nominations at the county commission and West Nile virus in Moab. Alison Harford of the Moab Sun News highlights a new skills-centered pathway to graduation for local students and hands-on paleontology at a local dinosaur-focused club.

// Show Notes:

// Photo: Dave Lyle cuts a slice of pie during this summer’s ‘pie social’ at the Grand Center. Seniors brought in a plethora of homemade pies to share.

// Weekly News Reel Mentions:

The Times-Independent: Parsing mountain goats in the La Sals

// The Times-Independent: Film commission deal falls through

// The Times-Independent: Winfield says commission is ‘manipulating and meddling’ with board nominations

// The Times-Independent: West Nile virus is in Moab, but its extent is unclear

// Moab Sun News: An alternate graduation path for high schoolers

// Moab Sun News: No bones about it: Amateurs learn hands-on paleontology through local club