Golf has come under some scrutiny recently in Utah because of how much water the courses use for irrigation. Earlier this year, a house bill was proposed that would have mandated that all golf courses publish how much water they use per year. The bill didn’t pass, but it did bring up some questions about Moab’s golf course, and whether the 18-hole course is worth the water.

// Plus, the Weekly News Reel! Sophia Fisher of The Times-Independent talks property tax spikes for business owners, opioid settlements bolstering local recovery-focused organizations, and chair Emily Campbell resigning from the planning commission. Alison Harford of the Moab Sun News discusses the winning formula for Moab’s youth mountain biking teams and one hiker’s attempt to be the first woman to solo the American Discovery Trail.

// Show Notes:

// Photo: The Moab Golf Course uses 411 acre feet of water per year to irrigate the greens. Photo by Emily Arntsen / KZMU.

// The Salt Lake Tribune: Here’s how much water golf courses use in Utah

// Weekly News Reel Mentions:

// The Times-Independent: Businesses slammed by property taxes

// The Times-Independent: Opioid settlements bolster local services

// The Times-Independent: Campbell resigns from planning commission

// Moab Sun News: Youth mountain biking teams poised for another winning season

// Moab Sun News: Hiking the American Discovery Trail through Moab