In the summer of 1971, a young Hiroshi Nakanishi made a visit to the United States from Japan. As his family road-tripped across the West, he became fascinated with old American boxcars, freight equipment, and abandoned railway stations. Now a retired professor of design, Nakanishi wants to restore those personal memories. He’s building an exact replica of a place he passed through in 1971: Cisco, Utah. He says the historical project is his way “of paying respect to the place and the people who lived there.”

// Show Notes:

// Photo: The Cisco Mercantile's signs are carefully replicated by Hiroshi Nakanishi in a 1970s era diorama. Nakanishi, a retired professor of design, is replicating the entire township in miniature.

// Cisco Diorama by Hiroshi Nakanishi

// Cisco History by Hiroshi Nakanishi

// Cisco Building History by Hiroshi Nakanishi