Diabetes has a deadly secret. Even one extra sugar molecule floating around your blood can damage your arteries putting you at risk for heart attack, stroke, and amputation. ABC News Live Correspondent Steve Osunsami knows this all too well from watching his Dad suffer from Diabetes and one of its most prevalent and deadly complications, known as Peripheral Artery Disease, which is poor circulation mainly in the legs due to plaque build-up. In this episode, Steve talks to The Heart of Innovation's Kym McNicholas and Dr. John Phillips about his Dad's story and its influence on pitching his team to do a story to spread awareness of the diabetes epidemic and the serious repercussions of not getting it under control, and fast. Tune into this episode to hear the backstory of the new ABC News Live feature, "Severed," in which a dozen ABC team members who worked on it all were personally impacted by diabetes and/or related amputations.