Today on KDOW we had Sandeep Johri, CEO of Tricentis with 25 years of enterprise software experience. When a company writes the code for a piece of software it must be tested to make sure it works and that can be timely and costly. Tricentis software testing technology speeds up the process and reduces the cost for their customers like HBO, Toyota, Starbucks, BMW, Deutsche Bank, and even UBS. Tricentis is truly targeted at larger enterprises that have every technology imaginable-- old and new. Need a solution that spans the whole spectrum? That’s where Tricentis fits in. They knows how to find the entry point in an enterprise, a pain-point one could say. Find the pain-feeling project and expand from there. What is it that people really want to know? How they should be testing in the new world. Tricentis acknowledges how it should be done. Listen in to hear Sandeep answer questions from three callers about their pitches, and how they can grow.