ResultCare is a social network and search engine for doctors. Physicians bring their opinion to the platform on a specific scientific topic. Say there’s a cardiologist with 15 years of practice behind them who is about to submit an entry--ResultCare will have them go through their publications and how long they have been practicing, ultimately giving you a score. Your boat will end up carrying a lot more weight than say, a podiatrist who has been practicing for five years. A doctor makes 256 different decisions with patients on an average day, and ResultCare is there to aid that process and make sure physicians are making the right decisions. A focus study split into two groups--experimental using ResultCare and control using the internet--concluded that using ResultCare saved physicians nearly $7,900. ResultCare needs a user acquisition of about 5,000 physicians and five hospital contracts, and they are looking to achieve those goals in the next six to nine months.