Marcia is a retired XRay Tech who is fighting to save her legs and the legs of others. After a University vascular surgeon told her amputation was the next logical step in her care, she found the Global PAD Association (GPAD), who helped her obtain a second opinion from Interventional Radiologist Dr. Arthur Lee. Dr. Lee was able to offer her a different treatment option that has kept her legs in tact so far. She is committed to now helping to raise awareness for peripheral artery disease, blocked arteries in mainly the legs, through her new initiative, in partnership with GPAD, called #LightARedCandleDay where she's encouraging physicians, clinicians, patients, and industry to light a red candle of commitment on June 1, 2024. Participants are urged to share a video or picture of that candle lighting on social media along with a message which includes their summer walking goal to improve their circulation to prevent or stall progression of PAD. Those interested in helping to share the importance of walking as medicine, can learn more and get their candles at If that isn't enough, she's also working with GPAD to launch Moving Mondays with Marcia, where each week she and other exercise experts offer free online classes to help patients with PAD improve their circulation. The first session is Monday, May 13, 2024. Patients can learn more by joining our support group at