Rex Teeslink, M.D. is a Vascular and Interventional Radiologist with over forty years of experience.  An honor graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine, Dr. Teeslink went on to do his Residency in Radiology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where he served as Chief Resident.

Dr. Teeslink began his practice as Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at the Medical College of Georgia in 1968.  In addition to his appointment at MCG, he was the Senior Vascular and Interventional Radiologist at the Veterans Administration Hospital, and all private hospitals in Augusta, Georgia. He was also a consultant for Eisenhower Army Medical Center.  He served in these capacities for thirty years.

Dr. Teeslink has been actively involved throughout his career in cutting edge technology and continues to assist in the design, development and implementation of many medical devices and x-ray equipment. He has been instrumental in developing many of the interventional procedures that are utilized today. Dr. Teeslink is currently serving as medical director and consultant for several companies.

Dr. Teeslink has always been involved in medical educational endeavors, including training medical students, residents, fellows and post graduate physicians. He has shared his expertise and experience at numerous medical conferences, both nationally and internationally, including being a guest speaker at the International Society of Radiology in Beijing, China in 1996. He was Co-Founder of The Southeastern Angiographic Society in 1972.

Dr. Teeslink continues his medical endeavors as a consultant and is currently involved in the design and development of several new medical devices utilized in the treatment of vascular disease.