Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease have an increased risk of developing limb-threatening plaque build-up in their leg arteries that restricts blood flow, a disorder known as peripheral artery disease (PAD). That’s why Terry Litchfield, who fought alongside her husband Bill who was a dialysis dependent CKD patient for more than 50 years, is sinking her teeth into prevention efforts and advances in treatment for those with advanced disease that tends to settle in the calf and foot arteries, which are tougher to tackle. She joins hosts Kym McNicholas and Dr. John Phillips in talking about gaps in care for CKD and PAD patients and innovative ways in which sees care evolving to help patients live a longer, healthier life. Terry has dedicated her life to advocacy, turning her passion into her profession as President of Access
Solutions, which offers patient Advocacy consulting services related to the renal dialysis field. She’s also an author and expert in patient engagement and satisfaction so you don’t want to miss highlights from her publications.