Today on KDOW was Alan Amron, inventor of Post-it Notes. Alan’s piece of advice? Simplify to understand. Secondly, don’t protect your product. Patent and communicate. Get the word out and don’t be afraid of idea stealing thieves. If you have the patent, you have the power. Alan took a number of callers from different companies in the Extreme Tech Challenge. First was Chris Trifecta from Tactical and fourth was Miro Svetlik from PrintRod. How do they educate the market quick enough to make it to the next level? Alan told them one of his most successful tips, simplify to understand. What that means is, explain your product in one sentence or word if you can. The second caller was John McMillian from Shockwave Motors, and the third was Stewart Dennis from Bitbounce. They both want to know - how do you locate and connect with the right people? Look for the vice president of new product development at a successful company that could help you start production. Listen in next Tuesday @ 2PM!