In the latest episode of "The Heart of Innovation," hosts Kym McNicholas and Dr. John Phillips delve into the challenging journey of Dee and her 90-year-old mother, who is facing the complex issue of non-healing wounds caused by Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), restricted blood flow in mainly the leg arteries that can prevent critical nutrients, including oxygen, from reaching muscles, tissue, and nerves clear to the foot - nutrients that are essential for wound healing. Dee's mother has been struggling with a non-healing wound on her toe since 2019, which has led to a series of complications. From oxygen therapy to the diagnosis of osteomyelitis (bone infection), they have explored various treatments, but wounds persist. Now, Dee is determined to find the best specialist and facility to give her mother the greatest chance of success and minimize complications, which may include clearing blockages in her Mom's arteries below-the-knee and below-the-ankle into the pedal-plantar artery loop in the foot. In this episode, the hosts bring together a panel of experts in the field of PAD treatment, including Dr. Christopher Lee Stout, a Vascular Surgeon from Ozark Vascular in Arkansas, and Dr. Dan Simon, an Interventional Radiologist from Edison Radiology Group in New Jersey. Alongside show co-host Dr. John Phillips, an Interventional Cardiologist, they provide valuable insights and answer Dee's pressing questions. They focus specifically on the advanced stage of PAD, known as Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI), characterized by leg pain, leg cramps at night, and non-healing wounds on the foot or toe. The panel of physicians aims to address Dee's concerns and guide her in making informed decisions to save her mother's limb and improve her quality of life. They discuss the value of a multidisciplinary approach to treating CLI. They also drive home the importance of ensuring whomever she chooses has experience with treating an elderly patient with series comorbidities that include chronic heart failure (CHF) and advanced stage kidney disease, Plus, they educate Dee on the advance skillset and tools required to reduce radiation and contrast die during the procedure which could result in complete kidney failure.