The Foresight Institute is at the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution. Technology is evolving at an accelerated pace and there’s a lot of RESPONSIBILITY that goes along with that. It’s so easy for technology to be used for good or for evil. The Foresight Institute is at the forefront of what’s next and has created a non-profit to empower scientists, engineers, and the like to continue to create in a way that serves humanity. During the show, the organization’s President Julia Bossmann talks about the Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, which is all about molecular machines and nanotechnology. She talks about how artificial intelligence is being used and the guidelines the White House has set for the future in this space in terms of healthcare and employee. Plus, you don’t want to miss Bossmann’s view of robotics, and the oath she believes we may have to create and make robots take in order to maintain civility in our world. In the second half hour, we talk about RESPONSIBILITY to yourself. THINKup co-founder Irit Wald shares her app that will help you to create a successful healthy mindset. Learn how your voice is critical in the process. In this week's "The Edge" series featuring companies that are impacting the enterprise: we are featuring Zen Ecosystem, which has created a platform that gives you insight into how much electricity you're using, where you're using it, and how you can save. The EPA estimates that commercial buildings across the US waste approximately $60B in energy costs each year. Of the 5.5 million commercial buildings in the United States, less than 20 percent have installed energy management systems to monitor and manage energy use to contain those costs. ZenHQ shares their new platform that CEO James McPhail claims will save business 30% on their energy bills.