Psychedelic revolution or schismogenesis?

Robert Forte is basically the Forrest Gump of the psychedelic world. He’s been in the game with some of the biggest names in psychedelic history, Grof, Leary, Shulgin, Stamets, Doblin, the list goes on. 

In this conversation Robert lays out one of my favorite things in the world, an alternate narrative to the one we’ve been presented around psychedelics. Robert presents us with a deep history of psychedelics as a weapon on the American public. Some of the players are surprises to me and I think you’ll be as delighted as I was to hear the big name drop. The details are substantial, please dispel some disbelief and use your own discernment. 


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Connect with Robert:

Website: Altered States of America - Altered States of America.Substack  

Books: "Entheogens And The Future of Religion" -Robert Forte

Facebook: Robert Forte 


Show Notes:

"Brave New World" -Aldous Huxley 

"The Creature of Jekyll Island" - G Edward Griffin 

More Deadly than War - G Edward Griffin(youtube)

"Acid Dreams" -Martin Lee 

"The Beast Reawakens" Martin Lee

Schismogenesis: The Generations of schisms, creation of division

"Mary's Mosaic" -Peter Janney 

President John F Kennedy's Peace Speech

"The Immortality Key" -Brian C Muraresku

"The Secret Teachings of All Ages" -Manly P Hall

"Outside Looking In" -TC Boyle 

"The Road To Eleusis" -Gordon Wassan, Albert Hofmann



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To Work With Kyle Kingsbury Podcast


Connect with Kyle:

Fit For Service Academy App: Fit For Service App 

Instagram: @livingwiththekingsburys - 


Youtube: Kyle Kingbury Podcast 

Kyles website: - Gardeners of Eden site 


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