Todays FeedCast is brought to you by Chris Davidson and James Barker. It covers the current movements in mid-proteins, soya and wheat.

Mid-proteins are currently offering good opportunities in the spot markets. Vivergo is up and running with good volumes which is putting pressure on the price. This has carried through to the rapemeal market, especially coming out of Erith in the south. Expeller is also competing around the country for volume, all helping to provide a chance to take advantage of pricing now. While the Dec-Jul market is looking high in comparison, we are seeing buying occur in the Aug-Oct 23 markets which are beginning to look interesting.

On the soya front, the US is almost finished harvesting, Brazil has made a great start to the plantings and all is beginning to look good. With a new USDA report out on Wednesday will they have to increase their yield forecast? If this does happen we will expect some bearish news and a reflection in the price so potential opportunities. NovaPro is remaining an excellent alternative to soya and we are seeing an increase in purchasing as the soya price remains high.

The wheat markets remain on a knife edge. Ultimately world stocks are very short and this is reflected in the market pricing. With wheat continuing to move out of Ukraine we could get bearish news, however it really depends on the black sea corridor remaining open and the risk associated with this remains high.


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